Wine Enthusiast’s 24th Annual

Wine Star Award Nominees

Image Courtesy of Gamma Nine Photography 


Importer of the Year

Barton & Guestier, Patriarche and Listel (BGPL USA)

Miami, Florida

This year marks the 24th anniversary of Wine Enthusiast’s Wine Star Awards, honoring the individuals and companies that make outstanding contributions to the wine and alcohol beverage world. Here are the nominees across 13 categories for the 2023 Awards. The winners of these categories, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award and American Wine Legend, will be featured in the magazine’s Best of Year issue and celebrated at our annual black-tie gala in February 2024. We salute the dedicated beverage professionals who have innovated and flourished this year.


The Process

All full-time and contributing divisions of the Wine Enthusiast media team, including sales, events, marketing, and editorial, were invited to submit nominees for the 2023 Wine Star Award categories. Nominations were submitted with explanations of what made the submission appropriate for consideration. The list of potential nominees was then sent to the group for anonymous voting to cull the list down. Finalists were chosen from the culled-down list by the Executive Media team with selections based on many factors, including impact on consumers and trade in the wine, spirits, or beer space, commercial successes, company/brand vision, and trendsetting. The Wine Star Awards are an overall beverage industry awards program. While the editors are invited to participate, this is a collaborative program incorporating the input of all divisions of our company and is not a solely an editorial franchise.

Read the full article here.